White paper: The future of fashion resale

Driving economic and environmental sustainability

Resale is poised to become the fastest-growing retail segment over the coming years. We have put together a two-part white paper in which we take a deeper look at this transformative trend that is set to revolutionise how people shop for their wardrobes. 

In Part I we explore what is fuelling resale’s rapid growth and how brands are taking back control of the resale market to attract new customers, increase engagement, drive traffic and establish additional revenue streams.

Read Part I to discover
  • Why resale is forecast to be the fastest-growing retail segment
  • Who is buying pre-loved and why
  • How brands can turn resale into a new revenue stream
  • How resale can elevate sustainability
  • The challenges and obstacles to overcome for success
In Part II, we reveal the essential role Connected Products have to play in delivering successful resale strategies, by increasing the required trust between the buyer and seller, optimising manual product processing and empowering end-to-end tracking throughout the resale purchase journey.

Read Part II to discover
  • The value of building trust
  • The risks of manual authentication
  • The benefits of Secure by Design™ Product IDs
  • How to optimise listings and content production
  • How to deliver a best-in-class consumer experience


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