Everything they won’t tell you, that you need to know when selecting your digital product identity tag. Busting the top 10 most critical misunderstandings that can ruin your connected product strategy.
Feb 24, 2022
Are you or anyone you know about to choose which tagging technology to adopt for a connected product identity?
There are many pervasive myths regarding both the QR code and NFC tags for use as digital product identities. Decisions made by project teams based on these falsehoods can derail the delivery of the project and have serious consequences for the success of the project.
This white paper identifies the 10 most commonly held false myths, and dispels them using data-driven insights harvested from the Certilogo platform, which powers a new product engagement every 8 seconds, and has given a secure identity to over 500 million products. The report will prime the reader on the key themes that should drivethe selection process, the most important project success factors, and the most important obstacles to avoid when implementing either technology.
Download the report and discover:
Which tag is the consumer most likely to engage with?
Is one easier to implement than another?
Can they both resist and endure the life of the product?
Which is able to provide the most secure authentication?
Will one be more suited than another to empower a 360º connected product experience?
Should the cost of the tag be the most important economic consideration?
This report is designed with a brand’s Innovation, Digital Transformation, and Sustainability Project Teams in mind, to help align the Operations, Brand Marketing, Systems, Product Design, and Brand Protection functions early on in the process of developing their connected product strategy.
Forget everything you think you know about QR codes and NFC tags, get ready to reset your understanding, and let the debunking begin.
Here is the link to the document you requested. Enjoy your read!