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Michele Casucci presents keynote on Digital Product Passports at Berlin Fashion Week discussion series

In a recent event that has drawn considerable attention in the fashion and luxury industry, Michele Casucci, the Founder and General Manager of Certilogo S.p.A., took the stage at "METAMORPHOSIS - dialogues about change.”

The talk series, hosted in collaboration with Vogue Business, eBay Deutschland, and Fashion Council Germany, provided a platform during Berlin Fashion Week for industry leaders to discuss pivotal changes shaping the future of fashion.

During his much-anticipated keynote speech titled "Unlocking circularity: Digital Product Passports as catalysts for change", Casucci delved deep into the transformative potential of this innovative tool. With his almost 20 years background in secure connected product solutions, Casucci is uniquely positioned to offer valuable insights into this emerging technology.

Digital Product Passports are set to revolutionize the fashion and luxury sectors by enhancing transparency, sustainability, and circularity. By adopting DPPs, brands can not only meet the growing consumer demand for sustainability but also improve supply chain efficiencies, reduce waste through circularity services and unlock long term value. 

Casucci's keynote highlighted the critical role these passports will play in driving industry-wide change. As the fashion world continues to evolve, embracing innovative solutions like these will be key to building a more sustainable and responsible future.



Learn more about Digital Product Passports

02 Sep 2024

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