Ready to activate resale?

From today,  Certilogo’s Secure by Design™ digital ID  can embed the capability to enable resale in the click of a button. The “click to resell” button can be easily accessed by scanning a garment’s smart label and is built into these secure digital IDs.  Brands that choose to activate the resell button will give...

From scan to sustainability

How NFCs and QR Codes are revolutionizing the circular economy. Once upon a time, a tag was just a tag, and a product was just a physical product - safe to say times have changed!  Now, brands across the fashion industry are integrating smart labels such as QR codes and NFC chips not only...

10 digital solutions that are facilitating circular fashion

Digital solutions are facilitating circular fashion, and it's clear that digital innovations has a big role to play in the future of sustainable fashion. Circular fashion aims to create a more sustainable and regenerative approach to the fashion industry by extending the life of products, reducing waste, and promoting more responsible consumption and production practices. Digital technology facilitates...

The different types of second-hand shopper

Some buy used clothes to support sustainability, some for budget, and some for the love of past fashion. Second-hand shoppers are not all the same. In recent years, the number of second-hand shoppers in fashion has grown significantly.  In 2022, the value of the global fashion resale market was estimated at $177 billion. A...

Circular solutions: maximising streetwear value across lifecycle

The fashion industry is notorious for its environmental impact, but circular fashion practices, which prioritise sustainability and longevity, are gaining traction within the streetwear market. Circularity in fashion refers to an approach that aims to minimise waste and maximise the lifespan of clothing and accessories. It focuses on creating a closed-loop system where products...

Products with authentication are worth more

Product authentication ensures the credibility of fashion items in the resale market, protecting both buyers and resellers. Product authentication involves verifying the authenticity and quality of products being sold in the secondary market, such as pre-owned or vintage fashion items. The fashion industry, particularly high-end luxury brands, is susceptible to counterfeiting, with fake replicas...

Resale: Top 10 benefits for brands

Fashion resale is beneficial both for the planet and for people, but how does it impact brands? What benefits does it bring?  We all know that fashion resale is great for sustainability because it extends the life of garments and reduces textile waste. It is also beneficial for consumers, who can access quality garments...

5 ways resale elevates sustainability

Fashion resale offers an effective solution to extend the life cycle of clothing, divert items from landfills, promote circularity, and encourage responsible consumption. The fashion industry is known for the heavy environmental footprint. From the cultivation of raw materials to the manufacturing process and garment disposal, fashion production contributes to pollution, water consumption, greenhouse...