BAV - Brand Asset Value tool

BAV stands for Brand Asset Valuator and refers to a brand equity model used to assess and measure the strength and value of a brand. Providing insights into how consumers perceive and relate to a brand, it helps companies understand their brand's positioning in the market. What is the Brand Asset Valuator? The Brand...

Let's discover the shopping habits of Millennials, the first generation raised on the Internet

The Millennial generation, born between the 80’s and the 90’s, are digital natives and pioneers of the Internet era especially when it comes to online shopping. Who are Millennials? The Millennial generation or simply Millennials, is the generation born between the beginning of the 80’s up until the mid 90’s (usually, it’s considered the period between 1981 and 1996),...

5 Tips for creating a successful loyalty programme

A great loyalty programme may be the factor marking the difference among brands competing in the same market. Here are 5 key tips to creating a successful one. What is a loyalty programme? A loyalty programme is a marketing strategy that encourages customers to keep buying a company's products and services, by encouraging consumers to be...

8 reasons why ratings and reviews are so important

Ratings and reviews are more than just sidebars to product pages on e-commerce or social media profiles! In a digital world, ratings and reviews are user-generated content (UGC) are indispensable sales and marketing tools for today’s brands. Consumer reviews are valuable for a brand because they provide insights into the customer experience and perceptions...

Subscription business model: is it the future for fashion?

Can the subscription business model provide consumers with what they want? It seems that every day a new start-up is announcing a subscription-based business model. But what exactly is this type of business, and is it right for your company? Subscription models have been around for centuries, but they have really taken off in...

How to provide a seamless customer experience

Creating a seamless customer experience is the key for improving customer satisfaction and brand loyalty Providing a positive customer experience is good; providing a personal customer experience is great, but providing a seamless customer experience is a necessity. What does "seamless customer experience" mean? A seamless customer experience is one that feels natural and...

How to measure customer loyalty

Here are a few metrics for you to measure customer loyalty Customer loyalty may seem like an abstract concept, linked to the world of psychology. However, companies need to measure it to see if their product/service, customer service, or marketing decisions are working. Customer loyalty and customer retention  Customer loyalty is the probability that...

How to build customer trust and loyalty

The key to customer trust and loyalty is customer experience Customer trust and loyalty are essential to the success of a company. In fact, no consumer would ever buy repeatedly from a company in which they do not have positive expectations, experiences, or values they do not share. After all, companies are well aware...

How to build long-term customer relationship

To be successful, your company needs to build long-term customer relationships. It's not easy, but you can do it. A long-term customer relationship is based on trust and loyalty. Let’s see how you can achieve that and why you should do it. Why it is important to build long-term customer relationships Acquiring a new...

What's the difference between Customer Loyalty and Customer Retention?

Customer Loyalty and Customer Retention are related but refer to different things. What is Customer Loyalty? Customer Loyalty is the result of a customer's positive attitude towards a brand. This includes factors like customer satisfaction, perceived value, and brand trustworthiness.A loyal customer is one who keeps coming back to the same company, despite being...