Connected product powered resale: 12 benefits of Digital IDs

While solving the issue of product authentication, connected products can also help overcome other important obstacles and challenges to empower more economically and environmentally sustainable resale models. The benefits of resale for brands touch on many aspects, from reputation to revenue. However, setting up a resale programme may not be straightforward. In particular, resale platforms...

5 ways resale elevates sustainability

Fashion resale offers an effective solution to extend the life cycle of clothing, divert items from landfills, promote circularity, and encourage responsible consumption. The fashion industry is known for the heavy environmental footprint. From the cultivation of raw materials to the manufacturing process and garment disposal, fashion production contributes to pollution, water consumption, greenhouse...

Interest in ethical clothing is growing, is your brand keeping up?

Ethical clothing refers to garments that are produced and manufactured in a way that promotes fair labour practices and also minimises harm to the environment. What is ethical clothing? As a response to the negative impacts of the textile and fashion industry, ethical clothing shows specific key aspects. For example: Fair Trade and Labor...

The 4 factors that are accelerating adoption of digital IDs

Why more and more brands are connecting their products? Fashion, luxury, sports, and casualwear companies are rapidly adopting smart tagging solutions for their products. Leading brands, including Armani, Versace, Nike, Diesel, and Zara, have already implemented this technology. Many are deploying solutions across their entire product portfolios, driven by consumer demand for product transparency,...

BAV - Brand Asset Value tool

BAV stands for Brand Asset Valuator and refers to a brand equity model used to assess and measure the strength and value of a brand. Providing insights into how consumers perceive and relate to a brand, it helps companies understand their brand's positioning in the market. What is the Brand Asset Valuator? The Brand...

8 ways brands are using product authentication to boost their business

Secure digital IDs on products provide businesses with the ability to authenticate products with confidence. This capability offers significant benefits to businesses that extend beyond building consumer trust. Authentication can be used to improve operations, products, and services. Here are eight examples of how businesses are utilising authentication. Successful implementations of product authentication Consumer...

Certilogo participates in e-P Summit 2023

Are you putting your business at risk? Read our new free white paper and avoid the pitfalls of insecure connected products. Discover the secret to boosting your business with product authentication, and avoid the hidden hazards of Digital IDs and Product Passports that could cause your brand protection and sustainability strategies to backfire!

How to optimise your inventory management if you are a fashion brand

Good inventory management is critical both for the organisation and for providing a great customer experience Inventory management is an essential part of a fashion company's operations, especially in retail. In fact, every company needs to ensure it has the right products in stock at all times, in particular in the case of limited-edition...

The importance of fashion supply chain transparency

Consumers are increasingly interested in where their clothes come from and how they are made. That's why fashion supply chain transparency is so important. Fashion supply chain transparency has been a hot topic in recent years. Consumers are asking for more and more information on products and companies today have numerous technologies to satisfy...