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[Video] e-Pitti Summit 2023 - Michele Casucci's speech: securing the digital product passport Certilogo

 Let’s learn from history’s greatest cases of false identity.

Certilogo founder and CEO, Michele Casucci’s speech delivered at e-P Summit 2023, sheds light on the hazards of adopting insecure Digital Product Passports and product IDs. Casucci also reveals the unexpected negative consequences of adopting a walled-garden approach to security, using blockchain and NFC OTP implementations.

By highlighting cases of infamous fraudsters such as Bernie Madoff, Casucci draws attention to the innate behaviours that make us susceptible to fraud, and how lessons learned from them can help brands to better protect themselves, their consumers and the planet from the pitfalls of insecure authentication.

Watch this talk to discover how Certilogo’s ‘Secure by Design™’ approach to product authentication can prevent your brand’s sustainability strategy from backfiring. 

19 Apr 2023

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