Not all Digital IDs can provide secure product authentication

Digital IDs and Digital Product Passports do not automatically convey a product with the ability to be securely authenticated, and can even leave brands exposed to significant and often unseen risks. In this article, we will outline what it takes to deliver secure Digital ID implementations and reveal the hazards of underestimating security and...

[Video] e-Pitti Summit 2023 - Michele Casucci's speech: securing the digital product passport Certilogo

 Let’s learn from history’s greatest cases of false identity. Certilogo founder and CEO, Michele Casucci’s speech delivered at e-P Summit 2023, sheds light on the hazards of adopting insecure Digital Product Passports and product IDs. Casucci also reveals the unexpected negative consequences of adopting a walled-garden approach to security, using blockchain and NFC OTP...

What is the Digital Product Passport?

In the context of the European Green Deal, the digital product passport could revolutionise fashion by providing an unprecedented level of transparency In March 2022, the European Union unveiled the EU Strategy for the Sustainability and Circularity of the Textile Sector, which introduced a mandatory digital product passport (DPP) for all textile products sold...

What does sustainability mean in fashion?

We all know more or less what sustainability may be, but distinguishing it in fashion is not always easy. The fashion industry is one of the largest contributors to global sustainability issues. With a large part of global emissions coming from the production and consumption of clothing, sustainability has become a necessity in the...

Why brands must invest in sustainability strategies

Stakeholders are becoming more aware of the environmental impact of business and have heightened expectations of companies’ behaviour. That’s why your brand needs to implement efficient sustainability strategies. Sustainability strategies help to prioritise challenges and actions, giving a plan to follow in the long term. The goal is to make sustainability an integral part of...

European Fashion Alliance for a more sustainable industry

The European Fashion Alliance is aiming to guide the fashion industry toward sustainability, inclusiveness and innovation. Last March 2022, the Fashion Council Germany, with the support of Messe Frankfurt and the global Texpertise Network, brought together leading European fashion industry organizations in Frankfurt to form the European Fashion Alliance. What is this new organization?...

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on fashion industry

Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, the fashion industry can improve many aspects of the business. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a thing of the future. In fact, it is already impacting different industries, including fashion. In this blog post, we will see what AI is, how it works, and how it can help fashion...

What is the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)?

The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is an international standard related to the textile production and the use of organic materials. It ensures that the entire supply chain operates in an environmentally sustainable and socially responsible manner, from the production of raw materials to distribution. What is organic textile By organic textile products we...

The environmental impact of the Textile and Fashion industries

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and resource consumption are the main examples of the environmental impact of the textile and fashion industries.Indeed, the textile industry produces a value of 2.4 trillion dollars and employs about 50 million people in the world. But it is one of the most polluting human activities. What Does ‘Environmental Impact’...