8 major risks you face if your Digital ID is not secure

As brands adopt digital IDs and product passports to support traceability, consumer engagement and sustainability strategies, it’s essential to put in place measures to ensure their security. Simply because a product’s ID is digital and unique to each individual product doesn’t mean that it’s secure and its ID can be robustly authenticated. The pitfalls...

When is the best moment for taking a customer satisfaction survey?

All brands want to know what consumers really think about them and their products. The customer satisfaction survey is the best tool to gain this insight. What is a customer satisfaction survey and why is it needed? A customer satisfaction survey is a very useful and interesting tool to gain a clear vision of the brand’s...

How to set up a frictionless shopping experience

Setting up a frictionless shopping experience is key to customer satisfaction and retention in fashion's phygital environment. What does a frictionless shopping experience mean? The concept of a frictionless shopping experience revolves around the idea of connecting buyers and sellers to make consumers able to find the products or services they need, compare shops in real-time and...

The role of NFTs in creating a phygital shopping experience

The emerging role of NFTs in the fashion shopping experience Famous brands, such as Louis Vuitton and Dolce & Gabbana, are already taking advantage of NFTs. This technology can be used in a variety of ways, from creating virtual collections to enabling augmented reality experiences in shopping apps and websites. That is why it...

Social commerce and social shopping: what are the differences?

Social commerce and social shopping may sound similar, but they refer to two different phenomena. There is a lot of buzz around social commerce and social shopping lately. But what do these terms actually mean? And what are the differences between them? What is social commerce? Social commerce consists of an evolution of online...

All the opportunities behind a metaverse customer experience

The metaverse customer experience is the new frontier of the interaction between brands and customers The metaverse has been growing in popularity for its ability to create immersive virtual worlds, and companies are quickly catching on to its potential. Creating a metaverse customer experience is one of the most interesting ones. What is the...

How smart products help customer engagement

Customer engagement is critical to any business, but it's not always easy to achieve. Compared to traditional products, smart products have an edge in this regard. What are smart products? Generally speaking, smart products are physical products with embedded sensors, software, and connectivity that allow them to collect and exchange data real time. The...

Here's how connected products are transforming businesses

From product development to customer retention, connected products are bringing new opportunities to companies. Inflation, energy costs, and lack of supplies are just some of the challenges companies face right now. It is a complex situation, which requires them to find new solutions and walk on paths that have never been beaten. However, technological...