What are NFTs and how are they changing the fashion industry?

NFT stands for non-fungible token, a relatively new term that is becoming more and more popular, even in the fashion industry. As Forbes explains, an NFT is "a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items and videos". People can buy and sell NFTs online, usually with cryptocurrencies. Their peculiarity is...

5 hard facts about fast fashion

Have you ever heard of fast fashion? You know what it means? And do you know how heavily it impacts on the environment and the local socio-economics? Let's find out more! What is fast fashion Fast fashion refers to a specific category of fashion brands that generally sell low quality garments at very low...

Sustainable Fashion and Blockchain: 5 characteristics you need to know

Blockchain can bring great benefits to the textile and fashion industries. Indeed, they are among the most polluting activities, but more and more consumers are asking for sustainable manufacturing processes. This pushes companies to find ways to demonstrate and guarantee their ecological and social commitment. What Is Blockchain IBM defines the blockchain as: a shared,...