TikTok dupes: unveiling the darker side of the latest social media craze

TikTok dupe trend may seem great for the wallet, but it definitely has negative consequences for brands, the planet and also consumers. What is the TikTok Dupe trend about? First of all, the word “dupe” is a shorter form of “duplicate”, and in the context of TikTok it refers to users sharing their findings...

The 4 factors that are accelerating adoption of digital IDs

Why more and more brands are connecting their products? Fashion, luxury, sports, and casualwear companies are rapidly adopting smart tagging solutions for their products. Leading brands, including Armani, Versace, Nike, Diesel, and Zara, have already implemented this technology. Many are deploying solutions across their entire product portfolios, driven by consumer demand for product transparency,...

8 ways brands are using product authentication to boost their business

Secure digital IDs on products provide businesses with the ability to authenticate products with confidence. This capability offers significant benefits to businesses that extend beyond building consumer trust. Authentication can be used to improve operations, products, and services. Here are eight examples of how businesses are utilising authentication. Successful implementations of product authentication Consumer...

What is social listening? An easy guide to plan your actions

Nowadays brands can listen to their consumers and fans over the Internet via social listening on several digital platforms. What is social listening? Social listening refers to the activity of brands regarding monitoring social media and web channels to collect and analyse key marketing insights. This includes data and information which can play a key role in both marketing areas: On...

How is AI being used for customer engagement?

Digital technology has revolutionised the way fashion brands interact with and engage customers. Now, AI for customer engagement is a further evolution.  Why AI is important to drive customer engagement? First of all, what is customer engagement? It is the process by which a brand manages to make customers feel valued, informed and motivated...

8 reasons why ratings and reviews are so important

Ratings and reviews are more than just sidebars to product pages on e-commerce or social media profiles! In a digital world, ratings and reviews are user-generated content (UGC) are indispensable sales and marketing tools for today’s brands. Consumer reviews are valuable for a brand because they provide insights into the customer experience and perceptions...

The revolution of live commerce

Live commerce is a great opportunity to provide an engaging shopping experience Very popular in China, live commerce, or live streaming commerce, is an innovative method of selling products where the seller interacts with customers in real-time via a video stream. Unlike traditional e-commerce, which relies on static product pages and limited user interaction,...

The Triple Bottom Line and why it is important

Triple Bottom Line helps companies reconcile sustainability and profitability According to the European Commission, sustainable development means "meeting the needs of the present whilst ensuring future generations can meet their own needs". To do so, companies must consider not only the economic aspects of their activity but also the environmental and social ones. This...

Why fashion brands need web apps

Web apps are a useful tool to support the key business strategies of smart fashion companies It's no secret that fashion brands need to stay ahead of the curve to keep up with changing consumer trends. In order to do this, they must provide an excellent customer experience - and a web app is...