What is a circular fashion product?

Product design is at the heart of the new circular fashion paradigm As Ellen MacArthur Foundation says, waste and pollution do not exist by accident; they are the result of design decisions. And since design determines what we wear, we have the responsibility to choose wisely our clothes and accessories. Circular fashion products are...

How can brands be active in the second hand market for their products?

There are many benefits for brands that are active in the second-hand market for their products, from controlling brand image, improving sustainability, to new revenue models. As the second-hand market becomes more popular, brands are starting to take notice. Indeed, it is the perfect example of circular and sustainable fashion since rather than being disposed...

Sustainable fashion and connected products: the pairing that consumers desire

The era of ‘green’ storytelling is over: Consumers are searching for concrete actions and brands that help them to take them. Our latest Certilogo consumer survey reveals that consumers expect experiences and services that will actively help them contribute to a more sustainable relationship with fashion. Throw-away culture is falling out of fashion, as...

Sustainability in the footwear industry

Here is how the footwear industry is tackling the problem of sustainability There is no doubt that the footwear industry is big business. The global athletic footwear market alone is expected to exceed 95 billion US Dollars by 2025. As it grows, so does the demand for footwear that is environmentally and socially sustainable. A...

The future of Fashion is the circular economy

Adopting a business model based on the circular economy is no longer a choice for fashion companies, but a necessity. In fact, it is consumers who ask them for greater commitment to more sustainable production processes. A 2020 study by IBM with NRF showed that nearly 60% of consumers have no problem changing their shopping...

The New Circular Economy Action Plan

The EU directive on sustainable textile products. In March 2020, the European Commission adopted the New Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), as part of the European Green Deal, the agenda for sustainable growth.The need to switch to an environmentally and socially sustainable -still competitive- economy comes from simple, but disturbing, evidence.As reported in the official document...

The impact of “Do It Yourself Fashion” 

The second hand market explodes in the era of Covid-19. Are Fashion brands ready to welcome new targets and let themselves be inspired by them? In the Annual Resale Report published at the end of 2019, GlobalData analysts forecast the exponential growth of the luxury and second hand clothing market, estimating an overall market value in 2021 of 37 billion...