8 reasons why ratings and reviews are so important

Ratings and reviews are more than just sidebars to product pages on e-commerce or social media profiles! In a digital world, ratings and reviews are user-generated content (UGC) are indispensable sales and marketing tools for today’s brands. Consumer reviews are valuable for a brand because they provide insights into the customer experience and perceptions...

Subscription business model: is it the future for fashion?

Can the subscription business model provide consumers with what they want? It seems that every day a new start-up is announcing a subscription-based business model. But what exactly is this type of business, and is it right for your company? Subscription models have been around for centuries, but they have really taken off in...

How to provide a seamless customer experience

Creating a seamless customer experience is the key for improving customer satisfaction and brand loyalty Providing a positive customer experience is good; providing a personal customer experience is great, but providing a seamless customer experience is a necessity. What does "seamless customer experience" mean? A seamless customer experience is one that feels natural and...

How to measure customer loyalty

Here are a few metrics for you to measure customer loyalty Customer loyalty may seem like an abstract concept, linked to the world of psychology. However, companies need to measure it to see if their product/service, customer service, or marketing decisions are working. Customer loyalty and customer retention  Customer loyalty is the probability that...

The impact of technology on luxury's customer experience

Even if luxury's customer experience follows its own rules, technology can improve it The luxury's customer experience differs from the common customer experience. In fact, what makes luxury so attractive is, first and foremost, exclusivity. This exclusivity is seen not only in the products but also in the way the purchase journey is experienced.  Fortunately,...

Offline and online shopping: the different behavior companies need to know

Companies should be aware that people who choose offline or online shopping have different needs and habits. Understanding how consumer behaviors vary between offline and online shopping is useful for setting goals and deciding which marketing actions are best for the audience you want to reach. In fact, people who choose to shop online...

How push notifications help engage customers

Push notifications are a great way to stay in touch with consumers. Did you know that over 3.5 billion push notifications are sent every day? That's a lot of notifications! But why are they so popular? Because they are one of the most effective ways to keep your customers engaged. Would you like to...

Customer journey, from AIDA to messy middle

Companies can rely on different models to better understand the Customer Journey. A good marketing strategy is by no means casual, but starts from data analysis and understanding the customer journey. Despite this, customer behaviors are not that easy to predict. For this reason, various models have been developed over the decades to describe...

The rise of Social Media Marketplaces: new opportunities, same old dangers

As online shopping on social networks increases, which consequences do consumers and brands face? The data collected on the Certilogo owned platform highlight trends and risks that can be exploited to fully capture the emerging opportunities. With an increase of 320% between 2017 and the end of 2020, authentications of products purchased on social...