A sustainable Fashion business model

The fashion industry is one of the world's most polluting industries. It consumes vast amounts of energy, water, and chemicals, and produces mountains of waste. The sector also finds it difficult to embrace an ethical approach to production. But a sustainable fashion business model is possible. Here is how. What Is Sustainability According to...

Eco fashion industry: from digital transformation to customer digital engagement

The digital transformation is having a great impact on the sustainability of the fashion & textile industry. But there is more! New technologies allow the eco fashion industry to have better customer digital engagement. What is digital transformation? Digital transformation can be defined as the changes associated with the application of digital technology in...

How technology helps brands to fight counterfeiting

When we think about the world of luxury, we probably imagine that innovation is mainly about production processes or marketing. In reality, it involves all phases, from design to after-sales. Indeed, technology can help brands to tackle one of their main issues: counterfeiting. Counterfeiting and the second-hand market Beyond the simple economic risk of...

The advantages of digital transformation for fashion brands

Many fashion brands are increasing their digital transformation by using technologies to improve production processes, internal organization, and even the relationship with customers. But what is digital transformation? And what are the advantages for fashion brands? What is the digital trasformation? Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new —...

5 hard facts about fast fashion

Have you ever heard of fast fashion? You know what it means? And do you know how heavily it impacts on the environment and the local socio-economics? Let's find out more! What is fast fashion Fast fashion refers to a specific category of fashion brands that generally sell low quality garments at very low...

The future of Fashion is the circular economy

Adopting a business model based on the circular economy is no longer a choice for fashion companies, but a necessity. In fact, it is consumers who ask them for greater commitment to more sustainable production processes. A 2020 study by IBM with NRF showed that nearly 60% of consumers have no problem changing their shopping...

The rise of Social Media Marketplaces: new opportunities, same old dangers

As online shopping on social networks increases, which consequences do consumers and brands face? The data collected on the Certilogo owned platform highlight trends and risks that can be exploited to fully capture the emerging opportunities. With an increase of 320% between 2017 and the end of 2020, authentications of products purchased on social...

The impact of “Do It Yourself Fashion” 

The second hand market explodes in the era of Covid-19. Are Fashion brands ready to welcome new targets and let themselves be inspired by them? In the Annual Resale Report published at the end of 2019, GlobalData analysts forecast the exponential growth of the luxury and second hand clothing market, estimating an overall market value in 2021 of 37 billion...